Yoga Inspiration: Taking the Leap

Taking the Leap Over the past month I have witnessed our Yoga Teacher Trainees take many leaps! The leap into our training program. The leap to meet new people, to begin using their voice, to find new ways to think about their yoga practice. It’s incredible to watch...

Yoga Inspiration: Focus & Structure

Focus & Structure In a conversation with a friend this past weekend we talked about structure. Creating organization in our lives. I got to thinking then about focus. If we are creating structure, what is it for? Is it to go through the daily tasks of life? Is the...

The Pace of Life

The Pace of Life Pace yourself. I found my inner voice telling me this over the past few weeks. Yes, we must move through life at various paces. Sometimes we’re able to take a slow pace, and other times we must pick that pace up. Ultimately, we should search for...

Yoga Inspiration: Resistance

Yoga Inspiration: Resistance Over the past week I have been thinking about resistance. How we fight against so much in our lives. Even at the very scientific theoretical level we are resisting gravity at every moment. Moreover, are our emotions, beliefs, eating well,...

Togetherness & Separation

Togetherness & Separation The holidays are about togetherness. Slowing down, spending time with our loved ones, spending time with ourselves. Enjoying gatherings for a meal around a table, and for some, a spirit in the coziness of our homes. It’s a wonderful time...