200HR Yoga Teacher Training

Graduate Success Stories

“I just wanted to give you an update on my activities after graduating. I was able to launch 2 online classes on Zoom (one more active, one more restorative) in February. I had a blend of clients from my psychology practice, friends, and colleagues. I did a 4-week series, and I center each class theme around a strategy that I often teach in therapy (different mindfulness skills, self-awareness skills, emotional regulation skills, and my favorite topic .... neuroplasticity!) I'm just about to head into my second go-round of the series with the vast majority of participants sticking around and a few new people as well. The focus this time will be on micro-skills from positive psychology that boost happiness - skills that we can learn though our yoga practice.

It's been a wonderful experience and I've had great feedback which I think relates directly to my training. Firstly, I was very confident teaching on Zoom - people have told me that the class feels very personal even though we are on screens. I had feedback from someone this week that it's easy to follow even though she can't always see me because the verbal cueing is so precise. Another thing people have commented on is the wide variety of modifications offered, making it more accessible.

Learning to teach yoga online has been a really uplifting experience for me during the pandemic - needing to plan varied and interesting classes to keep my participants engaged has been good for me as well. And it feels really good to offer people an additional thing to soothe their stress (last week I taught a class to my psychologist coworkers instead of running a meeting - they were all so grateful, and one of them joined my online class right after). A number of my private practice patients have now adopted a yoga practice as part of their treatment plan.

Thanks for all the good training you gave us - it has served me well already!

K.S. Psychologist

I teach three senior modified yoga classes. And I have 33 private clients that I provide lessons to in their homes. It took a vast amount of self promotion and networking to achieve my teaching status today. It was not easy but with continuous effort and sheer determination I now have an abundance of opportunities to teach up to 20 classes per week. The training was great, I put the modifications I learned to good use!

Carrie Weich

Currently I am teaching children's classes ages 5-7 and 8-12 years old. I am teaching 2 Community based All-Level Adult classes per week, and have also started a program teaching yoga in our school to the teachers and support staff one day per week. I also have sessions with private clients on a weekly basis. I started designing and planning my classes while I was still in school. I did a lot of research online ahead of time. Being in a small town, word got out that I was going to become a Certified Yoga Teacher so I knew I had to be ready to teach right away. Attending my apprenticing classes, and my own personal practice classes I paid attention to detail, the similarities and differences between teachers, and made notes afterwards on things that resonated with me, both positive and negative... The training made a huge difference, it was an integral step in the right direction for my career as a Yoga Teacher.

Jennifer Davidson

I completed Alberta Yoga College 200hr Yoga Teacher Training program in December 2013. I was able to immediately start work teaching in the community where I live. I was able to progress through the process of becoming a capable teacher because I received systematic lessons and practical experience though this YTT program. Becoming a yoga teacher is very different than merely studying the material. I gained confidence and learned valuable fundamentals that are required to teach in a professional manor. Shortly after my first classes I was able to get more classes at other yoga studios and have since gone on to become a full time yoga teacher. My heart and soul could not be happier. If learning about and practising yoga inspires you and you feel a deep calling to share your love and passion of yoga don't hesitate - Do it now! Enroll in the Alberta Yoga College YTT program!

Jill Thomas

I just want to share with the group that I landed a fabulous yoga teaching job at a major post secondary school in Calgary. There were over a hundred applicants and I was chosen to come in and interview/audition. The audition was 10 mins, and I thought hmmm most will probably teach one or two poses...how can I be different and impactful. I taught a whole class in 10 mins, savasana and all. I remember Rob and Cathy saying teach to who is front of you...so I did. I had two different classes prepared, one for a mature set of folks and one for the younger set. IT worked. They loved the music, and the fact they got a whole class in 10 mins. No one else had done that. I believe though what sealed the deal was the 7th question: How do you as a new yoga teacher keep your learning and practice, ongoing, current, and safe? There are many seasoned yogis applying for this job. I said, I am still a student. I was trained by a faculty with years of yoga experience, they teach alignment, safety and fun in all their yoga classes. I recognize my teacher certification is just the beginning. I continue to train with Alberta Yoga College by attending classes every week. I listen, I watch, I help out, I train and I practice. It is my passion, and the support for my growth as a yoga teacher is ongoing from my Senior teacher. So a big shout out to the Alberta Yoga College! Thank you for training me and continuing to teach me. I learn so much from each and every class.


When I enrolled with the AYC I had a passion to work in Trauma Sensitive Yoga and the field of PTSD and First Responders. This program laid the foundation for my journey as a Yoga Teacher and fuelled my fire for lifelong learning. After graduation, I started teaching private yoga classes to anybody who would give me the opportunity to share my knowledge and my passion. My very first group yoga class was co-facilitated with another AYC graduate, and after the class several students complimented me and said it was as though I had been teaching for years. Without a question, my confidence and knowledge came from the program and faculty at AYC. I have continued my education in the field of Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and I have launched a program called "Thin Blue Line Yoga" designed specifically for first responders. Every time I teach a class (private or group) I think back to the “basics” that I learned at AYC. The program covered all the bases to launch me into the world of teaching yoga - class planning, sequencing, alignment, adjustments, philosophy, and music. The most powerful thing that faculty said (and it was said repeatedly) was to find your “niche”. There are so many YTT programs and so many yoga teachers out there, find what makes you stand out and what makes you different. This program empowered me to follow my passion and launched me on this amazing journey in Trauma Sensitive Yoga. I have made life long friends through the program, and I have also connected with like-minded professionals in the world who share my passion and my vision in teaching yoga to First Responders. I was personally invited to attend the Yoga for First Responder Level 1 and Level 2 programs in July of 2017 and can’t wait to bring back the knowledge and share it with others. The opportunity to touch the lives of others through Yoga has been the most amazing privilege. Thank you to AYC for the opportunity to grown, to learn, and to inspire others.

Shanda Harper

I completed my Alberta Yoga College 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in November 2016, and was fortunate to be able to start working immediately in the yoga studio in which I take practice. I was able to create my own Introductory and Restorative classes, as well as to teach Ashtanga classes. I also assist a Yoga Therapist with a Yoga for Stroke Survivors class, which is one of the most gratifying things I have ever done. The training I received at AYC helped me to become a confident teacher; the focus on alignment, anatomy, and functional movement has given me the confidence to work with students of all levels and abilities. Every day I am still learning and practicing, inspired by the faculty’s devotion to continuous study of the body, movement, and how to safely guide students through postures. Becoming a yoga teacher has been an incredible gift, and I am so happy to have trained at AYC!"

Nicole MacPherson

I completed my yoga teacher training in 2014 with an intention to teach yoga to children and teachers in Calgary public schools. The training that I received at the Alberta Yoga College allowed me to confidently break down each yoga pose and teach to children and beginner adults safely. Shortly after my graduation, this training program qualified me to secure a contract with the Calgary Board of Education, approving me to teach in all Calgary public schools. I know that the quality of instruction and depth of knowledge that I received through my training was an important factor in being hired to teach full-time yoga programs in many schools across the city.

Aside from my work in schools, I continued to practice regularly with Alberta Yoga College faculty after graduation. Attending these classes allowed me continue my yoga education. Within a year of graduating, I was hired to teach a regular class at one of Calgary’s busiest studios and I now teach three regular studio classes and host workshops regularly. Initially, I chose the Alberta Yoga College for my training because of the flexibility of the schedule. After graduating, I’ve learned that this college has an outstanding reputation for quality instruction, providing graduates with a solid foundation upon which to build their yoga career. Regardless of what particular style of yoga you would like to teach, I highly recommend training at the Alberta Yoga College as a foundation
