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Reaching Our Peak – And Going Beyond

If we looked back through our lives, we could find times when we felt we reached a “peak”. Those times when we felt most accomplished in our career, a sport, our relationship, our health. But in my experience, when I look back at times, I believe I peaked, it wasn’t...

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Stand Tall – Like an Unshakable Mountain

  Tada – Mountain, Asana – Pose. Our Tadasana teaches us to stand firmly, feet planted into the earth, while we have the inverse action of standing tall, perhaps bringing clarity and enlightenment as the energy flows up through the body. This past week I had the...

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Changing Direction

Changing Direction

Changing Direction Our path in life is never linear. Consider a time when you felt your life was moving in a straight line and then you find yourself at a crossroads and make the decision to change direction. You decide to take the new job, study something you love,...

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“The action of becoming larger or more extensive.” With the beginning of our week giving us a Blue Supermoon – of which we will not see again until 2037 -  this topic has been on my mind. The ways in which we become larger or extend ourselves in all aspects of...

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Grounding & Stability

Grounding & Stability

We’ve all come into those times in our lives where we feel a level of uncertainty, of instability. Perhaps within our family, career, circle of friends, or romantic relationships. Then there are times when our boat, figuratively, may seem rockier and we feel this in...

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Exploring Happiness

How do you know when you feel happy? Is it a feeling in your mind? Does your breath feel even and smooth? Is it when your smile is authentic? As August begins, we see the beauty of summer continue. This past week I did some personal reflection on this time of year....

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Planks A Lot

The Plank. A well-known body weighted exercise that is within a number of fitness disciplines. Commonly thought of as building strength for the core, the plank works much more than the core; building strength and stability for everyday life.  In Sanskrit it is...

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Restorative Yoga – The Undiscovered Practice

Restorative Yoga – The Undiscovered Practice

For the first several years of my practice I had never heard of Restorative Yoga. Fast forward to my first 200HR Yoga Teacher Training, my true first experience with a restorative practice, and within an hour of workshopping poses I could easily see the attraction and...

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Yoga for Hip Mobility

Yoga for Hip Mobility

By Stephanie Ralph | August 23, 2022 I designed a yoga class this week for my Monday Morning Yoga Flow that focused on hip and shoulder mobility. As we moved through the hip poses of the class I was hearing the good yogi sounds when you know they have found a space in...

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Elements Yoga Series

Elements A limited yoga series with Bonnie Heine July 7 - August 4, 2022. Based on the teachings of Ayurveda, the universe is comprised of . These elements are embedded in everything we do, offering their own unique qualities to our daily lives and,...

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