Changing Direction

Changing Direction

Our path in life is never linear. Consider a time when you felt your life was moving in a straight line and then you find yourself at a crossroads and make the decision to change direction. You decide to take the new job, study something you love, have a baby, move to a new city, sign up for your first marathon. Each decision you make will, in some way, change the direction of your life.

Then there are the changes we didn’t plan. We lose someone close to us, we inherit the family business, we slip and fall causing an injury. Unplanned decisions can create opportunities or leave us trying to figure out where to go from here.

Whether planned or unplanned, whether for better or worse, when life changes, we take on a new perspective and it takes time to adjust, to reset. We need to find our set point once again.

Journaling Ideas: Sometimes what may seem like a negative change turns into a positive and, this can work the other way as well. Write about one planned change and one unplanned change. Dig in a little on how both situations changed the direction of your life – for better or worse.

Meditation Ideas: Take a walking meditation, perhaps with low frequency music, and notice how each time you change direction how it opens a new perspective on your surroundings. Take a moment to pause and reset before you continue to walk.

Active Yoga Poses to Add to Your Practice This Week: 

  • Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana II): Beginning in Warrior II, reverse your direction and take a moment to reset your perspective.
  • Wildthing (Camatkarasana): Flip your world upside down.
  • Upward Bow Pose: Urdhva Dhanurasana: Moving the body in the opposite direction of the gaze.
  • Headstand (Sirasana): if in your practice, see the world upside down.
  • Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana): Starting in Star Pose, slowly move your gaze towards the ground, eventually looking between the window of the legs for a new perspective.
  • Halfmoon (Ardha Chandrasana): take the world from the side view!

Remember to always practice within your own limits and take care of physical and emotional well-being.

Wishing to learn more about the practice of yoga? Join our upcoming 200HR Yoga Teacher Training in Calgary, AB!