Peaks, Valleys, & Growth
It’s been a struggle for me to get back to swimming. I was never a swimmer; I learned how to swim as adult, and it’s been as challenging from day one as it was when I peaked at 4500m. The physical fitness side of it is one thing, but the technical aspects of swimming continue to require refinement and practice, even at my peak. Today, I went to the pool. Expectations were low and I had the conversation with myself “you’ve lost your peak; this will be a climb”. Realizing I am now in the valley, I will adjust my mind for the growth ahead.
Our peak is when we have hit the highest point, thus far. It’s when we feel elated, accomplished, as if nothing can stop us! The momentum has us consistently moving forward extending that peak higher and higher. However, if we looked back and analyzed our route there, we would see peaks, but we would also see valleys. The valleys are the moments where we slide back a little. Sometimes with intention to allow ourselves to reset for an even bigger climb. The valley can be those moments where we take the foot off the gas to allow ourselves to revisit the meaning behind the climb. Other times, the slope becomes slippery without warning, and we must reset on the fly and find our way back to our peak. Throughout it all, a peak cannot exist without a valley and the climb from the valley is where we find our growth.
In our yoga practice we move through peaks and valleys as we grow in our movement, our mindset, and our hearts.
Journaling Idea: Pick one situation you are currently working through and look at the last 30 days. Note the days of peaks and valleys. Then, note the days when you believe you had the most growth. Do you see any patterns?
Breathwork Idea: Think of your inhale as the climb and your exhale as the slope. Select a positive word or short phrase that resonates with you now. Inhale for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4, then say your phrase before you inhale again, to help you on your climb. You can say this internally or out loud.
After a 10-15min warm-up below are suggested poses for your week to help facilitate opening in body, mind, and spirit.
Yoga Practice This Week:
In your physical practice this week you may choose to add this sequence of peaks, valleys, and growth. Move through it as a Vinyasa Flow or Hatha style movement. Remember to always practice within your own limits and take care of physical and emotional well-being.
Child’s Pose > Downward Facing Dog > Standing Forward Fold > Upward Salute > Standing Forward Fold > Low Lunge (R) > Downward Facing Dog (repeat for L side)
High Lunge > Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose I > Dancer’s Pose > Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose III > Warrior II > Triangle Pose > Halfmoon Pose > Standing Forward Fold > Downward Facing Dog > Child’s Pose
If you are looking for a music to add to your practice, perhaps try this instrumental playlist I have created on Spotify.
Wishing to learn more about the practice of yoga? Join our upcoming 200HR Yoga Teacher Training in Calgary, AB! Within this training you will learn all the foundational aspects of teaching yoga and grow your own personal practice.
If you want to share your experience with us, follow us on Instagram: @albertayogacollege
With gratitude,