Yoga Inspiration: Let’s Slow Down

Let’s Slow Down

It has been a fast ride into 2025 thus far! Does anyone else feel this way? But at the same time, it’s felt good to have the boost of energy and exploration of adventure. With that said, there’s a little change of pace coming this week and I will gladly absorb it for all it has to offer.

Society has the tendency to dimmish the skill and need to slow down. As if we need to always be on fast forward to be helpful, productive, successful. The reality is, if we do not intentionally take slower moments, they will be forced upon us, whether through sickness or sleep deprivation, etc. Isn’t it better to choose how we want to slow down? Make it enjoyable rather than something we must overcome? This, by they way, took me a long time to learn and I’ve now come to crave the slow down, the softness, and comfort that arrives with it.

My trainees will often here me say “get comfortable with being uncomfortable”. From a yoga training, and teaching perspective, this is absolutely true. However, we still must find moments of comfort to reset and reflect with ourselves.

This week I’m bringing a slow down to the physical practice by focusing on the breath and on the comfort of familiar postures. Let’s look at some of ways we can work through slowing down this week.

Meditation Suggestion: Set yourself up comfortably. Whether that is seated or lying down. Take in items that support your body, cushion, blanket, or even meditate in your bed. Make this meditation breath focused. A simple follow of the inhale and exhale through the nose. Notice how the breath pulls down into the body on the inhale and pushes out of the body on the exhale. Feel the movement in the rib cage, the belly, and as the breath grows longer, feel it move all the way down to the toes.

Yoga Practice: Take the movement slow this week.
Supported Child’s Pose w/bolster > Cat > Cow > (Repeat X 3) > Downward Dog > Three-Legged Dog > Supported Lizard w/bolster (Repeat X 3) > Child’s > Cat > Cow > (R/L sides X 2) > Downward Dog > Three-Legged Dog > Pigeon > rest (Repeat other side)

Remember to always practice within your own limits and take care of physical and emotional well-being.

Wishing to learn more about the practice of yoga? Reserve Your Spot for the next 200HR yoga Teacher Training beginning September 2025! Looking for more details? Email

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With gratitude,