Relax and Renew With Restorative Yoga

Relax and Renew With Restorative Yoga
There has never been a more important time to do Restorative Yoga!
Stress about our uncertain future creates tension that restorative yoga, with supported poses and conscious breathing, can release.
Take a gentle but powerful yoga class, now every Monday at 6 PM, with poses supported by bolsters and other equipment.  It’s about slowing down and opening the body through passive stretching. During longer holds you can relax deeply. Restorative Yoga is a complement to active practices and stressful lives.  Although this class is offered online as well, we strongly recommend attendance in person as you will receive personalized help by 25-year veteran teacher Rob Walker, AYC Director.
Recovery has always been built into yoga through postures like Savasana, but B.K.S. Iyengar,  father of the modern practice, was first to systematically develop Restorative Yoga, which he designed to help people struggling with stress and overwork. Read more at the Yoga Journal here: