Focus & Structure
In a conversation with a friend this past weekend we talked about structure. Creating organization in our lives. I got to thinking then about focus. If we are creating structure, what is it for? Is it to go through the daily tasks of life? Is the structure created as a build to some end goal? In either circumstance, focus is required. Whether it’s the focus to be on a repetitive schedule or the small incremental changes towards an end goal; there must be focus. We have to plan, continually check-in, negotiate time, and reflect.
Some days it could just be the focus to turn off the phone – or put it aside – and get a single task complete without distraction. When was the last time you took on a daily task without being “plugged in”?
This week, I am unplugging as much as I can. I want the mental focus to help with the structure of my week!
Journaling Ideas: Turn off the TV, phone, music. Reduce all distractions and build a structure for the next 14 days. It may include, your scheduled work time, reading for 30mins/day, exercising for 60mins/day, cooking a healthy meal each day, picking the kids up from hockey, walking the dogs. Assign the predicted time it will take for each part of your day. See how much time in your day is structured and the rest is your unfocused and unstructured. Whether you stick to this or not, it’s eye opening!
After a 10-15min warm-up below are suggested poses for your week to help facilitate opening in body, mind, and spirit.
Yoga Sequence: Try this at different paces, either all at one time or throughout your week.
Crossed Legged Seat > Table Top > Bird/Dog > Child’s Pose > Downward Dog > Plank > High Lunge > Revolved High Lunge > Reverse Triangle > Triangle > Halfmoon > Star Pose > Tree Pose > Side Lunge > High Lunge > Revolved High Lunge > Dancer’s Pose
Close out your practice using your warm-up as your cool-down and offer yourself a 10mins Savasana for rest.
Remember to always practice within your own limits and take care of physical and emotional well-being.
Wishing to learn more about the practice of yoga? The AYC’s January 200HR YTT will begin again in September 2025. Reserve Your Spot for the today! We are now offering a PRIVATE (one-on-one experience) 200HR Yoga Teacher Training. Looking for more details? Email
If you want to share your experience with us, follow us on Instagram: @albertayogacollege
With gratitude,