We’ve all come into those times in our lives where we feel a level of uncertainty, of instability. Perhaps within our family, career, circle of friends, or romantic relationships. Then there are times when our boat, figuratively, may seem rockier and we feel this in multiple aspects in our lives.
It is times like these I rely most on my yoga practice and community. My personal practice allows me the opportunity to ground myself. I will often turn to a Yin or Restorative practice when life just seems to be in an upheaval. While it is usually is the hardest time for me to sit with myself, it is what I need the most. I also find doing this within my community is most beneficial. To feel the grounding energy, and support of my community, helps immensely.
Journaling Ideas: Make a list of people, places, or circumstances that have made you feel unstable. As well, make a list of people, places, or circumstances that make you feel grounded. Ask yourself if you can commit to ensuring you bring yourself into more of those areas that offer you grounding – intentionally find the balance for yourself.
Meditation Ideas: Feeling like you need a little energy? Stand in Mountain Pose. Or, if you feel you need rest, sit in Easy Pose and use the Apana Mudra. Ground your feet/sit bones into the earth/surface beneath you. Focus on “I release and trust as I send my roots deep into the earth.”
Restful and Active Yoga Poses to Add to Your Practice This Week:
- Easy Pose (Sukasana): feel the stability of the ground beneath you.
- Restorative Supported Child’s Pose (Balasana): set up with a bolster/cushion that supports your torso. Find rest and grounding.
- Corpse Pose (Savasana): use any props, or items of comfort, that allow you to rest, ground; eye pillows, blankets, etc. The recommended time is a minimum of 10mins.
- Mountain Pose (Tadasana): if you have the opportunity, see if you can find those pose in bare feet, outside, and physically ground into the earth.
- Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I): a pose that requires strength to ground down through the back heel. You can feel the stability arrive as you push through the back heel.
- Chair Pose (Ukatasana): with two feet firmly on the ground, try to find equal balance between the front, sides, and back of the feet.
- Yogi Squat (Malasana): suggested to use a block under the sit bones to allow the weight of the tailbone to rest while you focus on grounding through your feet. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
If you want to share your experience with us, follow us on Instagram: @albertayogacollege
With gratitude,